Odoo Sentiment Analysis helps you understand how people feel!
Odoo Sentiment Analysis helps you check your team’s feelings and customers’ messages. This tool helps you understand what your customers and employees are saying.
You can use simple charts and alerts to make your customers happier, engage your team, and protect your online reputation.
With this module, you can gain valuable insights, make the right decisions, and feel more confident in leading your business. Start improving your understanding of your business today!
You can manage your client questions with Odoo Website Shopping Assistant (Odoo Chatbot) using OpenAI.
- Odoo Sentiment Analysis quickly figures out your customers and team members’ feelings from reviews and messages.
- Learn from customer feedback to make things better and make customers happier.
- Increase your team productivity by analyzing their comments on projects, tasks, discussions, gamification, etc.
- Managers can easily keep an eye on what employees are saying by understanding the team’s feelings.
- Managers can choose to hide bad reviews to keep up a good online reputation in Odoo Sentiment Analysis.
- Check a score to know if messages are positive or negative, making it easier to understand.
- Get email alerts about message scores to know what’s happening and act fast.
- Compare your scores with competitors to see how well you’re doing in your industry.
- See important info on a nice-looking dashboard to help you make smart decisions.
- Adjust your replies based on customer’s feelings to make conversations go well and keep customers happy.
The Shopping Assistant (Odoo Chatbot) is a helpful buddy for businesses. It helps handle customer questions by automatically giving answers. It uses a tool called Opensource LLM.
- Once you purchase the App from the Webkul store, you will receive the link to download the zip file of the module.
- Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. As a result, you will be able to see a folder named- ‘sentiment_analysis’ (you can get technical nem from the odoo app of the respective module).
- Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
- Now, open the Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
- Then, open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List.’
- In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘sentiment_analysis’.
- You will be able to see the module in the search results. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.
Before moving further, explore our Odoo development services & an extensive range of quality Odoo Apps.
- To enable sentiment analysis in your Odoo Sentiment Analysis, First, you have to start Developer mode and then open the technical setting.

- Under Technical Setting > AI Server Configuration > New, with the help of the following steps you can connect the required Model type and Server for analyzing text.

- Now open Technical setting > Sentiment Analysis > Sentiment Rules.

- By clicking on “NEW” the admin can create new Sentiments Rules and also modify pre-defined rules by clicking on them.

- In Sentiment Rules, the admin has to provide a title for the rule and also set a sentiment score conditional to sort messages as negative or positive.
You have to choose “Notified Type” and “Email Template”. Also, you have to mention the concerned persons’ names in “Notified To”.

- After Clicking on “Email Template” as shown in the above image, the admin easily changes the email template according to their need.

- Under the Chatter of any tasks related to Projects, Gamification, discussion, etc you can analyze your internal communication and get a sentiment score for every comment.

- Admin can also analyze customer reviews as negative or positive on the website front and also change comment’s visibility.
- (a) When any portal user leaves a negative comment on the product.

8(b) Then admin can hide the negative comment from the product page. In this situation, negative comments will only be displayed to the admin and the portal user who commented.

8(c) Other portal users will only be able to see positive comments.

- For hiding negative comments from the Odoo backend, Open Technical setting > Message > Open the message you want to hide > enable the “Employee Only” option.

- Admin and Followers will get a notification email according to the sentiments rules defined by them in Step 5.

- You can analyze the emotions behind every message in an Interactive Dashboard by opening the Sentiment Dashboard App.

Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.
If you still have any issues/queries regarding the same, please raise a ticket at the UV Desk.
I hope this helps. In case of any further queries, contact us at our support mail.
Thanks for paying attention!!
Current Product Version - 1.0.3
Supported Framework Version - V17, V16, V15, V14
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