Magento 2 AMP Extension is a way by which developers can create mobile-optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere.
In today’s era smartphones and tablets have revolutionized the way we access information over the internet.
Web store owners are trying every bit to reach maximum users. But every time a web page takes too long to load, they lose a user and with it the opportunity to generate more revenue.
Accelerated Mobile Pages aim to dramatically improve the performance of the mobile web. It will decrease the web page loading time and hence keep the user intact to the web store.
Using AMP, the web pages load instantaneously across multiple platforms and devices. That helps to content appear everywhere in an instant, no matter what type of phone, tablet or mobile device the user is using.
AMP relies on AMP HTML, a new open framework built entirely out of existing web technologies. That allows websites to build lightweight web pages.
Using AMP for the web pages will not only load that web page faster but it will also give a higher ranking to that web page in the Google result list.
All the pages that are accelerated mobile pages will have a small thunder icon in the google list, as shown in the screenshot below.
Basic Benefits
Another great benefit of using AMP for your web store is that, even when the data connection of the user is slow, the AMP web pages will load faster irrespective of the connection speed.
In the Magento 2 Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Template module, we have implemented Accelerated Mobile Pages for the Category page and most importantly, the Product page.
For any web store, these two are the most visited and most navigated pages.
So if these pages load up instantly without any delay then surely it will keep the user interested in the web store.
And this will be super beneficial to the store owner. As the more time a user spends on your web store, the more will be the chances of a user to purchase some goods.
Features Of Magento 2 AMP Template
- Set the number of reviews that will be visible on the product AMP page.
- Faster loading page for mobile users.
- Improved search engine ranking.
- Increase visibility.
- Better user experience.
- Less bounce rate.
- An increase in sales conversions.
- Work with custom options.
- Add add to cart functionality for simple, virtual & downloadable products.
Installation Of Magento 2 AMP Template
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.
You need to upload this app folder into the Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) root directory on the server as shown below.
After the successful installation, you have to run the command on Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce) root directory-“php bin/magento setup:upgrade”
Now run this command into the Magento 2 root – “php bin/magento setup:di:compile”
Also, run this command into the Magento 2 Root- “php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy” You can refer the below screenshot.
After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from Magento (Adobe Commerce) admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.
Multi-Lingual Configuration
Language Translation
If you need to do the module translation, please navigate to the following path in your system app/code/Webkul/MagentoAmp/i18n. Open the file named en_US.CSV for editing as shown in the below screenshot.
Once you have opened the file for editing. Replace the words after the comma(,) on the right with your translated words.
After editing and translating the CSV file, you need to save the translated file name according to your region language and country code such as – de_DE.CSV.
Then upload the translated file to the same folder from where you have obtained it. Now your module translation is complete.
Admin Configuration
After the successful installation of the extension, the admin can configure the module setting. The admin will navigate through Stores-> Configuration-> Amp Template.
Here, the admin can –
- Enable the module by choosing a Yes option else disable it.
- Set the number of reviews that will be visible on the amp product pages.
Magento 2 Accelerated Mobile Pages Template
A Magento 2 e-commerce store allows its customers to surf through the home page of the store, and navigate through the various categories present in the store.
Go to any product page either from the home page, by navigating through categories or simply by searching on the website, and various other features.
But the most important thing or feature for any website is whether it is user-friendly & mobile-friendly or not.
If a web store takes the time to load up then it’s sure that the users will abandon the page.
So implementing Magento 2 AMP Template for the most visited pages will attract more users to your website and provides the store owner with the opportunity to earn revenue.
Magento 2 has implemented AMP on the Category Page and on the Product Page.
Category Page
A user generally goes to the categories present in the store. Implementing Magento 2 AMP Template in the category page allows the users to quickly navigate through the categories.
Product Page
The most important thing for any e-commerce store is the products that are present in it.
If everything is fast and works great on the website but the product page is slow in loading up the product image, description, other information or is glitchy frustrates the user.
The user might leave the page or won’t make the purchase if it is glitchy and slow and it can affect the store sale also.
So implementing Magento 2 AMP template on a product page is super useful, as the user can go to a product page from anywhere, from the home page, category page, or even from the google or any other search engine’s results page.
Faster loading and mobile-optimized web pages for the products of the website will attract and engage more users and henceforth it will generate more purchases from the users.
You can also check the side panel for the available categories to browse and finalize the products.
**Note: It totally depends upon the Google crawlers for getting your website AMP pages to be displayed on the SERP page. Usually, it takes to around 12 to 24 hrs or more for the crawlers to crawl/index your pages.
That’s all for the Magento 2 AMP Template module still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Explore the Adobe Commerce Cloud development service by Webkul. You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons. Also our quality Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.0.2
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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