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Magento 2 AI Review Translator – User Guide

Updated 10 June 2024

The Magento 2 AI Review Translator provides the functionality of translating the customer reviews posted on the products. The reviews will be translated as per the store language and store view.

You can also add product content with the help of an AI generator using the Magneto 2 ChatGPT AI Extension for fast and accurate product content.

Also, if you are looking to import and export the product reviews then you can check the Magento 2 Product Review Import Export extension.

For more information, you can also check the video below,



  • The admin can enable/disable the module.
  • Translate the review in your store-based language.
  • The translation will be based on store language and store view.
  • It will work with RTL and LTR both types of languages.


The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.

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#1 Download Module

Firstly, you need to log in to the Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify, and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.

#2 Upload Folder

Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Adobe Commerce Cloud root directory on the server as shown below:


#3 Run Commands

After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

Server Settings

Environment Setup Guide:

Please make sure that the node server is already installed on the host.

After the module installed please follow the below steps:

Fill in configuration details where 

Host = yourdomain (without protocol)

Port = 3000

Save configuration.

In your Magento root folder run the following command : 

npm init -y
npm i socketio-file-upload
npm update
npm i forever-monitor
node_modules/forever/bin/forever app.js

## Make sure Node is already installed on your server.##

Run the following command from the root directory of your Magento to install on your server.

First, you have to install the npm on your server to run the command

- sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install npm

Then, to install all the required packages,

run the following command-

npm install

2. Flush the cache and reindex all.

3. If the CSP is configured in Restrict Mode then please run the below command after saving the Host

Name and Port Number in Admin Stores Configuration-

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Now, run the below command:-

npm start

You can use this command to stop the server if required:-

npm stop

4. Lastly, run the following command:

php bin/magento Translate:All

How to Get API Credentials?

The user has to first create an OpenAI account and log in to the OpenAI dashboard as shown in the screenshot.


Now the user will have to click on the Personal in the top-right corner and a popup will appear. The user will click on the View API Keys option.


A page will open and a button Create New Secret Key will be visible as shown in the screenshot.


Once, the user clicks on this button a pop-up will display with the API key. The user can copy the key from here with the help of the copy button.


Initial Configuration

Once the module gets installed successfully you can also navigate through side menu option AI Review Translator-> Store Configuration.

configuration shortcut Magento 2 AI review translator

Also, the admin can configure the module by navigating through Stores > Configuration > AI Review Translator.

initial configuration settings

Here admin has to configure the server settings and add the OpenAI API credentials.

HTTPS Enabled

When HTTPS is enabled admin has to enter some credentials and files.

initial configuration settings when https enabled magento 2 ai review translator

Upload Server Private Key File – You can get this file from your host provider, file name must be server.key

Server Certificate File – You can get this file from your host provider, the file name must be as: server.crt

Upload Server CA Bundle File – You can get this file from your host provider, file name must be as:

Store Settings

Once the module is configured admin has to update the store’s general settings. Here they can select the locale language accordingly the review will translate into the store language.

locale settings

Customer End WorkFlow

After navigating to a product, the customers can add a review for the same.

product page and review section

For the same, the customer will navigate to the Reviews tab on the product page.

Add Review

Customers will scroll to the bottom and they will find the review section for the product.

Here, they will post the review in their desired language and submit the same using Magento 2 AI Review Translator.

add review by customer

After customer will add the review, a success message for review moderation is visible at the top.

review submitted for moderation

After that, the admin can – approve, set as not approved, or set as pending status for the review from the admin panel.

approve review by admin

Once the review is approved it will display on the frontend after translation.

translated review visible on product page Magento 2 ai review translator

So, that is all about the Magento 2 AI Review Translator extension. If you have any queries regarding the plugin, please contact us at Webkul Support System.

Current Product Version - 4.0.0-p1

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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