Laravel Marketplace Aramex Shipping now offers Aramex Shipping services to customers all over the world. With just a few configuration steps, this module is ready to provide shipping rates to its customers on the Laravel Marketplace.
- This module is an add-on to Webkul’s Laravel Multi Vendor Marketplace module. To use this module, you must have installed Laravel Multi Vendor Marketplace first.
- Admin will enter the account details generated from the Aramex website.
- The Admin will enter their pin code and city for the shipment of their product(s).
- The admin can enable /disable the location search status.
- Only those cities will be available in the fetch Aramex cities option that provides Aramex shipping.
- The codes are fully open and easy to use.
- The seller can save their Aramex shipping account details.
- The admin can set admin shipping details from the Aramex shipping configuration.
- It also works for Both Domestic & International.
- The module support multi-language.
- The admin can select the Aramex delivery services to show on checkout.
- The admin can select Aramex payment type – prepaid or third party
- Select specific or all channels to enable the Aramex shipping.
- Select specific or all countries to enable the Aramex shipping.
Customers will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension and Unzip the extension zip and then merge the “packages” folders into the project root directory.
Goto config/app.php file and add the following line under ‘providers’
Go to the composer.json file and add the following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\\MpAramaxShipping\\": "packages/Webkul/MpAramaxShipping/src"
After that run the below commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate php artisan route:cache php artisan vendor:publish --force -> Press 0 and then press enter to publish all assets and configurations.
Admin Configuration
After the module has been successfully installed, an admin has to configure it.
To configure the module, then navigate configure>>sales.
After clicking on the sales, the admin will be re-directed to a new page where the admin will provide shipping details details.
Within the Configuration option, at first, you need to define the Origin address. This address will be used in the calculation of the Shipment.
After that, you must configure the Aramex Settings by clicking on the shipment method. The following fields must be filled out:
Title: The admin can define the title of the Shipping method as desired.
Account Email: The admin needs to enter the registered Aramex Email in this field.
Description: Here you need to enter the description.
Password: Add the Aramex Account Password.
Account Pin: The admin needs to fill the Account Pin in the following field.
Account Number: Here the admin can add Aramex account number.
Country Code: The admin will add the country code from which the Aramex account is being created.
Account Entity: The Account Entity is filled here.
Product type: Select the methods that will use for the Domestic and International shipping.
Allow Seller To Save Aramex Details: If set “Yes” then the seller will able to set their own Aramex Details.
Payment type: If the payment method is prepaid, the currency of shipping charges is determined by the origin address.
If the payment method is third-party, the shipping charge is determined by the country of the registered account.
Sandboxing: Enabling this field uses Aramex test account otherwise you need to use the account as provided from Aramex. All account information related fields are below. If you disable this option, you will only be allowed to use your live credentials only.
After filling all the details click on save.
Laravel Marketplace Aramex Shipping: Seller End
After that sellers can save their Aramex configuration details if the admin has set the option “Allow Sellers To Save Aramex Details” to Yes from the backend.
Then seller will find a new option Aramex Shipping to add details click on that.
Following that, the seller must enter the account email, account number, password, account pin, entity, and country code and click the save button.
Customer End
When customers place an order, they will see the Laravel Marketplace Aramex Shipping method on their cart page, as illustrated below:
After that, the customer can also see Laravel Marketplace Aramex Shipping under the available shipping methods on the checkout page.
After placing the order, the consumer can view it under “Order” .
Order Management – Seller’s End
After the buyer has placed the order, the seller can see the order under Order, as shown below in the screenshot.
After that, the seller will able to generate invoices for their ordered products.
Also shipment for the orders of their products.
Once the seller generates the shipment and invoice, he will be able to see the complete order details.
Sellers can download the Shipping and Invoice slips very easily.
That’s all for the Laravel Marketplace Aramex Shipping. If you still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1.4.5
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