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    Javascript Object methods

    Updated 23 January 2020

    Hey, do you know javascript has some Object methods and you can manipulate your object by using that. We will look into such methods in this blog.

    Before starting, let’s observe master obj (Object) closely


    Please see below result


    As you can see above, some methods are listed like assign, create, freeze, etc so we will look into some of the methods in this blog.


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    This method is used to create new object by using an existing object

    Syntax: Object.create(propertiesObject);

    let obj = {
      profile: {
        name: 'john doe',
        age: '28'
    let new_obj = Object.create(obj);
    console.log(;  //john doe

    let’s see another example of create()

    let fun = function() {
      this.firstName = 'john';
      this.lastName = 'doe';
    fun.prototype.fullName = function() {
      return `firstname is ${this.firstName} and lastname is ${this.lastName}`;
    let obj = new fun();
    console.log(obj.fullName());  //here result will be 'firstname is john and lastname is doe'
    let fun_new = function() {;
    fun_new.prototype = Object.create(fun.prototype);
    let obj_new = new fun_new();
    console.dir(obj_new.fullName());  //here also result will be 'firstname is john and lastname is doe'

    you can check call() method here


    it is used to copy one or more source objects into target object.

    Syntax: Object.assign(targetObject, ..sourceObjects);

    let source = {
      profile: {
        name: 'john doe',
        age: '28'
    let target = {
      address: {
        city: 'noida',
        country: 'india'
    let assign_obj = Object.assign(target, source);
    console.log(`${} from ${} ${}`);  //john doe from noida india
    console.log(`${} from ${} ${}`);  //john doe from noida india

    what happens if target and source objects have the same properties

    let target = {
      x: '20',
      y: '50'
    let source1 = {
      x: '30',
      z: '60'
    let source2 = {
      x: '40',
    Object.assign(target, source1, source2);
    console.log(target);  //{x: "40", y: "50", z: "60"}


    You can define an object property by Object.defineProperty()

    Syntax: Object.defineProperty(obj, property, descriptor);

    Let’s see an example

    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'firstName', {value: 'john', writable: true});
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'lastName', {value: 'doe', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false});
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'fullName', {
      get: function(){
        return `firstname is ${this.firstName} and lastname is ${this.lastName}`;
      set: function(name){
        [this.firstName, this.lastName] = name.split(" ");
    console.log(obj.fullName);  // here result will be "firstname is john and lastname is doe"
    obj.fullName = 'webkul software';
    console.log(obj.fullName);  // here result will be "firstname is webkul and lastname is software"

    value: what will be the value of your property

    writable: default it is false which can not be changed, if set true then you can change property

    enumerable: if true then it will display during enumeration

    configurable: default it is false, if true then you can not delete this property

    Set/Get: if using getter and setter then you can not use other keys like writable, enumerable, etc

    You can check getter/setter here


    if you want to add multiple properties then you can use it

    Syntax: Object.defineProperties(obj, properties);

    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperties(obj, {
      firstName: {
        value: 'john',
        writable: true
      lastName: {
        value: 'doe', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false
      fullName: {
        get: function(){
          return `firstname is ${this.firstName} and lastname is ${this.lastName}`;
        set: function(name){
          [this.firstName, this.lastName] = name.split(" ");
    console.log(obj.fullName);  // here result will be "firstname is john and lastname is doe"
    obj.fullName = 'webkul software';
    console.log(obj.fullName);  // here result will be "firstname is webkul and lastname is software"

    as you can see in the upper example, I have added three properties similar to Object.defineProperty() example


    It is used for enumerable keys of an object. You will understand the ‘enumerable’ key here which was used under Object.defineProperty ();

    Syntax: Object.keys(obj)

    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperties(obj, {
      firstName: {
        value: 'john',
        writable: true,
        enumerable: true,
      lastName: {
        value: 'doe', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false
      fullName: {
        get: function(){
          return `firstname is ${this.firstName} and lastname is ${this.lastName}`;
        set: function(name){
          [this.firstName, this.lastName] = name.split(" ");
    Object.keys(obj).map(function(current, index){
      console.log(`property ${current} and position ${index}`);

    let’s see now by removing enumerable key for firstName property and see the following code

    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperties(obj, {
      firstName: {
        value: 'john',
        writable: true,
      lastName: {
        value: 'doe', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false
      fullName: {
        get: function(){
          return `firstname is ${this.firstName} and lastname is ${this.lastName}`;
        set: function(name){
          [this.firstName, this.lastName] = name.split(" ");
    Object.keys(obj).map(function(current, index){
      console.log(`property ${current} and position ${index}`);

    In the upper example, firstName property will not get resulted because enumerable is false for firstName property


    It is used for getting all enumerable property values of my object not keys

    Syntax: Object.values(obj)

    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperties(obj, {
      firstName: {
        value: 'john',
        writable: true,
        enumerable: true
      lastName: {
        value: 'doe', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: false
      fullName: {
        get: function(){
          return `firstname is ${this.firstName} and lastname is ${this.lastName}`;
        set: function(name){
          [this.firstName, this.lastName] = name.split(" ");
    Object.values(obj).map(function(current, index){
      console.log(`property ${current} and position ${index}`);


    Freeze method allows us to prevent add/edit/delete new or existing property. If trying to add/edit/delete in strict mode then it will generate errors.

    syntax: Object.freeze(obj)

    let obj = {
      firstName: 'john'
    obj.firstName = 'webkul';

    if you will run upper code, then you will get result ‘john’ not ‘webkul’ due to frozen


    For checking any object is frozen or not

    Syntax: Object.isFrozen(obj)

    let obj = {
      firstName: 'john'


    seal method allows us to prevent add/edit/delete the new or existing property but any existing property can be changed if it is writable. If trying to add/edit/delete any new or existing property in strict mode then it will generate errors except edit in writable case.

    syntax: Object.seal(obj)

    'use strict';
    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'firstName', {
      value: 'john',
      writable: true
    console.log(obj.firstName);  // here result is 'john'
    obj.firstName = 'webkul';
    console.log(obj.firstName);  // here result is 'webkul'


    For checking any object is sealed or not

    syntax: Object.isSealed(obj)

    'use strict';
    let obj = {};
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'firstName', {
      value: 'john',
      writable: true


    this method has following features

    prevents to add new or existing property

    edit existing property only if writable

    delete existing property if configurable

    syntax: Object.preventExtensions(obj)

    'use strict';
    let obj = {
      firstName: 'john'
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'lastName', {
      value: 'doe',
      writable: true
    obj.lastName = 'software';  // can change due to writable
    delete obj.firstName;  //can delete due to default behavious configurable 

    In the upper example, if you will try to delete ‘lastName’ then you will get an error


    For checking any object is extensible or not

    syntax: Object.isExtensible(obj)

    'use strict';
    let obj = {
      firstName: 'john'
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'lastName', {
      value: 'doe',
      writable: true
    console.log(Object.isExtensible(obj));  //false


    For checking any object’s property

    syntax: obj.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)

    let obj = {
      firstName: 'john'
    console.log(Object.hasOwnProperty('keys'));     //true
    console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('firstName'));  //true
    console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('lastName'));  //false

    That’s it in this blog. I hope this blog was useful to you. Please ask if you have any queries in the comment section.

    . . .

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