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    Odoo 15 installation on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

    Updated 4 September 2023

    Odoo has established a global footprint through its amazing ERP and business management software. Odoo 15 includes new functionality, as well as improvements to the user experience and performance enhancements.

    This blog will walk you through the process of installing Odoo 15 on an Ubuntu server running version 20.04 LTS.

    The blog is split into two parts:

    Part A: Ubuntu Instance Creation (AWS EC2)

    Part B: Odoo 15 Installation

    Note: To set up a server on AWS, we followed both the parts. However, if you already have an Ubuntu server locally or any other Cloud, then you can skip the Part A and proceed with Part B.

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    Part A: Ubuntu Instance Creation (AWS EC2)

    (i) Select the EC2 among the available AWS services. or you can search for an EC2 service in the search box.


    (ii) And then Select the Launch Instance button from the dropdown menu.


    (iii) Select the server ie, Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS by scrolling down or you can directly search in the search box.


    (iv) Now choose the Instance type (We chose the t2.micro instance since it comes under the Free tier) and click on the tab, Next: Configure Instance Details.


    (v) After the above steps, select a single EC2 Instance, and then choose the tab, Next: Add Storage.


    (vi) Now add up the storage as per your requirement but we recommend 20GB and select the tab, Next: Add Tags.

    (vii) Add tags and choose the tab, Next: configure security group.

    (viii) Now, Click Add rule in configure security group, and ADD the following :

    SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and Custom TCP Protocol– select anywhere in the source column for all rules. Thus, after adding up the rules, select the review, and launch tab.


    (ix) Under this step, review the instance launch to recheck your Instance settings one more time and if everything goes right, then select the launch button.


    (x) This step is concerned with creating a key pair (It’s better to use the domain name for the key pair name) and after the creation, download the key pair.


    (xi) Once the pem file is downloaded, adhere to the terms and conditions of the AWS, and click the Launch button. Now, the newly generated instance can be seen. Click on the instance, and you will get your instance’s summary. To connect the instance, click the “connect” button.


    (xii) Choose the SSH client option from the three options below. To connect to your Ubuntu server, you can copy and paste the command directly into your terminal. Mention in point 3 and, in the example, as in the image below.

    Note: **To SSH in to your Ubuntu Server, please follow either STEP (xii) or STEP 2. The command is the same in each of these steps.


    Log in to your Ubuntu Server by executing the command mentioned below:
    chmod 400 "pemfile"
    ssh -i "pem.file"

    After logging in, install the necessary application software. So let’s move to the installation part.

    Part B: Odoo 15 Installation

    STEP 1: Update packages

    Run the command below to update the APT list of available packages.

    sudo apt update
    STEP 2: Prerequisite Dependencies
    sudo apt install git python3-pip build-essential wget python3-dev python3-venv \
        python3-wheel libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev libzip-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev \
        python3-setuptools node-less libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libpq-dev \
        libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev libopenjp2-7-dev \
        liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev libxcb1-dev
    STEP 3: User creation

    Presently, we were in our server’s root user, but because of security issues, we do not keep our application code in the directories of the root user. So, we have to create another user for this.

    Create a system user who will be the owner of the application code. I created a user with the name “odoo15” You can pick any name you want.

    sudo useradd -m -d /opt/odoo15 -U -r -s /bin/bash odoo15
    STEP 4: Install and configure PostgreSQL database server
    sudo apt install postgresql

    Once the service is installed, create a PostgreSQL user with the same name as the system user we previously created. In this, it’s odoo15:

    sudo su - postgres -c "createuser -s odoo15"
    STEP 5: wkhtmltopdf Installation
    sudo wget
    sudo apt install ./wkhtmltox_0.12.5-1.bionic_amd64.deb
    STEP 6: Odoo 15 Installation and Configuration
    sudo su - odoo15
    git clone --depth 1 --branch 15.0 /opt/odoo15/odoo

    Install Odoo’s Python3 dependencies

    cd /opt/odoo15
    pip3 install wheel
    pip3 install -r odoo/requirements.txt

    Create a separate directory for third-party addons:

    mkdir /opt/odoo15/odoo-custom-addons

    Create a configuration file with the following information:

    sudo nano /etc/odoo15.conf
    ; This is the password that allows database operations:
    admin_passwd = my_admin_passwd
    db_host = False
    db_port = False
    db_user = odoo15
    db_password = False
    addons_path = /opt/odoo15/odoo/addons,/opt/odoo15/odoo-custom-addons

    Note:- Don’t forget to change the “my_admin_passwd” to a more secure password.

    STEP 7: Systemd Unit File Creation
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/odoo15.service
    Requires=postgresql.service postgresql.service
    ExecStart=/opt/odoo15/odoo/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo15.conf
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

    To start the Odoo service and enable it to start on boot, run the below command:

    sudo systemctl enable --now odoo15

    Simply run the command to verify that the service is up and running:

    sudo systemctl status odoo15

    The following should be the output, verifying that the Odoo service is up and running:


    You can check the Odoo service’s logs with the command below:

    sudo journalctl -u odoo15
    STEP 8: Installation testing

    To get started, go to your browser and Enter:


    After the installation is complete, you’ll see something like this:


    Need Support?

    Is this blog beneficial to you? Please express your suggestions in the comments section. Aside from that, if you’re seeking Odoo modules just click the link.

    In case of any help or query, please contact us or raise a ticket (

    Please feel welcome to contact us as we will be happier to help.

    For any further information or query contact us at [email protected].

    Thanks For Reading!

    We hope it works for you! And during this blog, you have found something valuable.

    . . .

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