Today we will learn how to add the popup modal on the Hyvä theme in Magneto 2
Hyvä popup modal is used to display additional popup information, popup forms ,etc. in magento 2
In this example, I will show you how to create a sample popup using the Hyvä popup modal.
Firstly, we need to create a layout file on which we want to display the popup:
Add the below code in hyva_webkul_hyvapopup_add.xml file at path-
<?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <update handle="hyva_modal"/> <body> <referenceBlock name="header-content"> <action method="setTemplate"> <argument name="template" xsi:type="string">Webkul_HyvaPopup::Template.phtml</argument> </action> </referenceBlock> </body> </page>
Now add the template on which you want to add the popup
Create Template.phtml file at the below path:
<?php $modalViewModel = $viewModels->require(\Hyva\Theme\ViewModel\Modal::class); ?> <div class="text-sm"> <div class="wk-seller-card-row" x-data="hyva.modal()"> <?= $escaper->escapeHtml(__('Sample Popup Modal')) ?> <?php $modal = $modalViewModel->createModal()->withTemplate('Webkul_HyvaPopup::Popup.phtml'); $modalBlock = $modal->getContentRenderer(); $data = "sample data"; $modal->withAriaLabel('Sample Popup modal') ->withDialogRefName('popupRefName') ->withDialogClasses('inline-block max-h-screen overflow-auto bg-white shadow-xl rounded-lg text-gray-700 w-3/4 rounded-sm p-4'); $modalBlock->setData('popupRefName', ['formAction' => $block->getStatusFormAction()]) ?> <?= /* @noEscape */ $modal ?> <a id="popup button" href="#" class="text-blue-900 font-bold" @click='show("popupRefName", $event)'> <?= $escaper->escapeHtml(__('OPen Popup'))?> </a> </div> </div>
In above code:
withAriaLabel – > Includes popup Label
withDialogRefName – >Includes reference name of popup
withDialogClasses – >Includes Tailwind CSS classes for adding style in popup.
At last, we need to create a Popup.phtml file which will contain the structure of popup.
Create Popup.phtml at app/code/Webkul/HyvaPopup/view/frontend/templates/
<?= 'The content to be displayed in Popup ' ?>
For more reference please visit the modal dialog overview
If you have any queries please contact us at Webkul Support System.
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