Magento 2 can provide a platform for our eCommerce website that will manage the content on the website. Through Magento 2 RTL Template we can boost the website performance.
RTL template is not only meant for converting the language but it also takes Layout in consent.
Here the column shifts appearing on the left-hand side (in LTR) will appear on the right-hand side (in RTL) and vice versa.
What do you mean by RTL?
RTL stands for Right-To-Left, the format of writing a language. The language which follows the format is Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, and Urdu.
What is a Theme?
The themes are meant to provide the user with a great look and feel which will enhance the UI/UX of the website or app.
The themes are overridden to add the functionalities to the support the RTL method.
What is RTL Theme?
The UI of the application can be the best mode to attract the maximum number of customer.
This RTL Theme can make your website or app localized to attract the local customer.
Need Of RTL Template In E-commerce
An e-commerce website is a place where people visit from all direction of the world. So the website must be efficient enough to attract the mobe in large number.
The RTL template will be useful for the customer where the language patterns are followed. The customer from such parts will be able to purchase the products with an ease via the RTL layout enable website or app.
Note- To try the RTL on Magento 2, please check here,
RTL Layout
The RTL is not only about translating into Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian languages. The UI must be also user-friendly and create an ease for the user.
The first step which will make the layout of RTL will be adding the code “dir= RTL” to the HTML tag:
<html dir=“rtl”>
where, dir- direction, and the value of which is RTL that sets the horizontal starting point of elements to right instead of the left(Note- the dir attribute in HTML is inherited and is not a CSS style).
Then in copy regular CSS rules that target the webpage or app page. Here, we can reverse all the special attributes, henceforth float: right becomes float: left and margin-left becomes margin-right.
These are the basic difference which needs to be implemented in the real world. The changes are implemented in the Magento xml.
Unicode Structure
The Unicode structure is the standard structure which one needs to follow in coding industry. It is maintained by the Unicode Consortium.
UTF-8 is the unified encoding structure followed in the e-commerce industry for the creation of the website. However, UTF-16 is for the RTL format.
Here, UTF represents the Unicode transformation format (UTF) which is an algorithmic mapping from every Unicode code point to a unique byte sequence.
This coding standard will create a great UI to attract the maximum customer. As it gives the website a standardized format creating a benchmark in the minds of users.
A/B Testing
The design of the app/website is also responsible for attracting the customer and enhance user engagement. Through A/B testing (split testing or bucket testing) we could easily know the desired choice of the users.
For this, we have two version
-the control version, which original and
-the modified version, which is variation.
A comparison of both the version is set by providing the different customer with the different version. This testing will depend on the factors like region, language, habit, and many other factors.
In the layouts, this functionality is helpful as people using RTL format are not having similar choices as the one using LTR.
For example, if we talk about the login button which is generally on the right-hand side of the user. This functionality will help the customer with fast and easy login. However, the logout button is not easily available.
Similarly, while we are creating a website or app in RTL we need to note the patterns of the vital button. Due to the fact that it will be different from that of people using LTR languages.
Points To Remeber
The creation of any website/app must have the below points for attracting maximum user and reducing the bounce rate.
The theme of any website or application needs to be designed in such a way that it can work same on both mobile and website. Responsive design will give a great user experience by providing an optimal solution for every device.
The Xtremo Responsive Theme for Magento 2 gives all the advantage of a responsive design theme. This will enable the user to see the site same on all device (tablet, smartphone, and laptop).
The RTL theme here will inherit all the basic features of Xtremo theme.
In addition, it gives features which will support the complete layout and functionality of the RTL language.
CSS and Javascript are the major tools which help in the make the RTL work.
Arabic language inclusion
When we think about RTL format the first language in our mind is Arabic. In order to attract the local customer, we can enable the desire languages to generate maximum profit.
For this, you need to follow the procedures that will include the language in our store.
If a user wants to translate their module from English into the Arabic language, they need to follow the path app/code/Webkul/i18n in their unzipped Magento folder. Here the user will get a CSV file with name “en_US.csv” as shown below in the snapshot.
Now just rename this en_US.csv to “ar_SA.csv” as shown below in the snapshot.
Now, right click on this renamed CSV file and click the edit button to translate all right side content of this CSV after the comma into the Arabic language.
The actual CSV file after opening it up:
The users can edit the CSV as per the below screenshot:
Now after translating the content of the CSV save it and then upload it to the path app/code/Webkul/i18n where you have installed the Magento2 on the server. Now, the website will work in the Arabic language as well.
This adds the language to the store which will reflect the keywords translated. So, this will emerges the need to change the layout of the store to RTL.
Speed optimization
The Speed of any website works a lot in decreasing bounce rate. The best technique to deliver an optimized set of speed is applying ‘Varnish‘.
The varnish caches will save the files or fragment of files in memory. This will decrease the response time and the network consumption.
Varnish is a link between client and web request, which will receive requests from the client and tries to answer them from the caches.
It is an HTTP based cache request which sets a reverse proxy.
In cases when the varnish is not able to answer the request from the saved cache, the request gets forwarded to the back-end server.
So, the response is then fetched while storing the response in its cache and delivering the response to the client.
AMP- Accelerated Mobile Pages
Through AMP, an open source project, one can create web pages that are more responsive. These pages can improvise the performance of the website.
Usability of the code increases with the implementation of RTL in AMP. It will give the RTL app user a constituency in the app as its true that the app user will require the same functionality in the app as in LTR.
According to the research done by AMP projects, ‘More than 1.5B AMP pages have been published to date and 100+ leading analytics, ad tech, and CMS providers support the AMP format.’
Thus, the AMP restricts the usage of some of the CSS for great performance.
Note- Know more about Mobikul RTL support.
PWA-Progressive Web App
The Progressive web app is to make your web application fast, reliable and increase user engagement. The RTL integration in PWA will make the web app highly responsive.
The PWA based sites work well on all sort of modern browser-Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.
- Speed- The PWA will help the site to optimize the performance that will provide a responsive experience or fast loading of the content even on slow internet connection.
- Security- The PWA uses HTTPS server which increases the level of security.
- Offline Service-The customer can browse through the store products via app even when network connectivity is not available.
- Add To Mobile-The app appears on the mobile screen and one can receive Push Notifications from them.
- Shareable content-Through a unique URL one can share the PWA pages on social media.
The PWA uses Magento PWA Studio for its development, deployment, and maintenance.
So, the implementation of RTL in PWA features can make the application user-friendly.
That’s all for the Magento 2 RTL Template still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket at our HelpDesk System and let us know your views to make the module better. You may also browse other Magento 2 marketplace addons and our quality Magento 2 extensions.
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