As we all know Magento 2 does not support CryptoCurrency as a currency option yet, so here we are going to learn how we can add a new currency.
The very first step to start with is to modify your module’s registration.php file
<?php \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::register( \Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'Webkul_CryptoCurrency', __DIR__ ); require_once(__DIR__ . '/Override/CurrencyBundle.php');
In the above code, we have added require_once in order to modify the available currencies
Here is the code for the CurrencyBundle.php file, keep this fine in app/code/Vendor/Module/Override/CurrencyBundle.php
<?php namespace Magento\Framework\Locale\Bundle; class CurrencyBundle extends DataBundle { /** * @var string */ protected $path = 'ICUDATA-curr'; /** * @var string */ public function toArray($bundle) { $aux = []; foreach ($bundle as $k => $v) { $aux[$k] = is_object($v) ? $this->toArray($v) : $v; } return $aux; } /** * Method to get currency bundle * * @param string $locale * @return array */ public function get($locale) { $bundle = parent::get($locale); $bundleAsArray = $this->toArray($bundle); $bundleAsArray['Currencies']['BTC'] = [ 'BTC', 'Bitcoin', ]; $bundleAsArray['CurrencyPlurals']['BTC'] = [ 'one' => 'Bitcoin', 'other' => 'Bitcoin', ]; return $bundleAsArray; } }
Now we will add some plugins in order to add currency and its formatting in Magento 2
Create a di.xml inside the etc folder
<?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd"> <type name="Magento\Framework\Locale\Config"> <plugin name="crypto_locale" type="Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\LocaleConfig" sortOrder="1" /> </type> <type name="Magento\Framework\App\Config"> <plugin name="crypto_config" type="Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\ConfigPlugin" sortOrder="1" /> </type> <type name="Magento\Framework\Pricing\Render\Amount"> <plugin name="crypto_framework_pricing_render_amount" type="Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\Framework\Pricing\Render\Amount" /> </type> <type name="Magento\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency"> <plugin name="crypto_directory_model_pricecurrency" type="Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency" /> </type> <type name="Magento\Framework\Locale\Format"> <plugin name="crypto_framework_locale_format" type="Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\Framework\Locale\Format" /> </type> </config>
Following the above we need to create 5 plugins as follows
<?php namespace Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin; class LocaleConfig { /** * After get allowed currencies * * @param \Magento\Framework\Locale\Config $config * @param array $currencies * @return array */ public function afterGetAllowedCurrencies(\Magento\Framework\Locale\Config $config, $currencies) { return array_merge($currencies, ['BTC']); } }
<?php namespace Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin; class ConfigPlugin { /** * After get currency config value * * @param \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $subject * @param string $result * @param string $path * @param string $scope * @param string $scopeCode * @return string */ public function afterGetValue(\Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $subject, $result, $path = null, $scope = \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, $scopeCode = null ) { if ($path === 'system/currency/installed') { return $result . ',' . 'BTC'; } return $result; } }
<?php namespace Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\Framework\Pricing\Render; use Magento\Framework\Pricing\PriceCurrencyInterface; class Amount { public function beforeFormatCurrency( $subject, $amount, $includeContainer = true, $precision = PriceCurrencyInterface::DEFAULT_PRECISION ) { return [$amount, $includeContainer, 4]; } }
<?php namespace Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\Directory\Model; class PriceCurrency { public function beforeConvertAndRound( $subject, $amount, $scope = null, $currency = null, $precision = \Magento\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency::DEFAULT_PRECISION ) { return [$amount, $scope, $currency, 4]; } public function beforeFormat( $subject, $amount, $includeContainer = true, $precision = \Magento\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency::DEFAULT_PRECISION, $scope = null, $currency = null ) { return [$amount, $includeContainer, 4, $scope, $currency]; } }
<?php namespace Webkul\CryptoCurrency\Plugin\Framework\Locale; class Format { public function afterGetPriceFormat($subject, $result) { $result['precision'] = 4; $result['requiredPrecision'] = 4; return $result; } }
Using the above we are able to add a new currency in Magento 2
In the above example, we have added the currency in order to create a NFT Marketplace system.
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