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    Magento Marketplace Downloadable Product

    Updated 2 March 2015

    Magento Marketplace Downloadable Product module is quite flexible in functionality and works out of the box.

    Installation of Marketplace Downloadable Product module – Installation of the Marketplace Downloadable Product module is very simple after downloading the Marketplace Downloadable Product module from this URL

    now unzip the Marketplace Downloadable Product zip you will find the app,media and skin folder inside that move that app, media and skin folder in magento root as per the screenshot



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    And now you are done your planet best marketplace module has been installed .

    Marketplace Downloadable Product configuration – After the successful installation of the marketplace module you will be able to see the configuration panel under system > configuration as per the below screen .


    As per the above screen  you can see many admin config parameters for marketplace , we are going to explain every config parameters one by one

    Percent per product sale – percent % per product sale is the global commission which seller need to enter , this commission mechanism will be applicable for all the sellers . lets say as an example there is a seller S1 and his/her product (P1)price is 100 USD  so on the sale of product P1 seller will get 80 USD and admin will get 20 USD as commission .

    Attribute Set ID – Attribute Set ID is the attribute set ID for your global catalog by default this is Default that’s why in screenshot it is showing as default . admin can select attribute set from drop-down .

    Product Approval Required – Product Approval Required by this option admin can restrict automatic approval of the product . e.g if seller add a product every time product will be moderated by admin , store owner can set YES or NO .

    Partner Approval Required – Partner or seller approval is the same as product approval , during sign-up of seller if admin allow this option then user who will signup in the store as a seller will convert in to seller automatically . store owner can set YES or NO .

     About MarketPlace – This is introduction message for your marketplace landing page . you can set anything here e.g “Webkul Marketplace is the best marketplace module in the planet” using WYSIWYG editor

    MarketPlace Landing Page Label – Marketplace landing page label is the title of the marketplace for that particular store where marketplace has been installed , you will get more feel below as per the screenshot

    MarketPlace Landing Page Button Label – Marketplace landing page button label is the title of the button for  marketplace for that particular store where marketplace has been installed , you will get more feel below as per the screenshot


    now you can compare both the screen and can understand , this is beautiful landing page for your marketplace module . Here list of sellers and latest added product by seller will display  with shop create button and introduction text .

     Marketplace vendor sign-up – Seller signup is pretty easy , user can signup for seller using marketplace landing page button or from store my account link and during signup they need to choose  ”Want To Become Partner”

    if they want to signup as a seller then they need to choose YES else NO . if they choose YES then they need to put their shop URL which will be unique as per the screenshot


    as in above screen you can see the url name is nike . This shop url input field is ajax driven by which seller can see that particular URL does exist or not as below screens


    as per the above screen that URL does exist .


    and above url shows that URL does exist so seller need to choose another one .

    Marketplace Seller Panel Management – if the user has been approved as a seller then the marketplace block will display in my account section of user as per the images


    You can see there are five links for base marketplace module to manage seller profile and to add product in store . lets proceed one by one .

    Seller Profile – using this menu seller can his shop information like shop name , location about his/her shop banner image , shop logo , shop meta description and meta data and many more parameters , as per the below image screenshot


    also seller can choose their seller shop background and there are quick links for their shop and product collection


     Payment details under payment details seller can add their bank account or paypal id by which admin will him  / her


    All of those information are very much self explanatory still have any doubt please add a support ticket  . After inputting all the information you will get a beautiful shop page for your shop as below


    and when user will click on see more he will reach to seller’s product collection page where user can filter the product based on the category where seller has assigned the product .


    New Products  –  Under this menu seller can add his / her product with many attributes as per the magento admin . Seller can input product name , description , short description  , price , multiple images and downloadable link .
    Add product screen will look something like that . also proper validation has been applied for seller product add screen with live ajax check for product SKU


    after successful product addition (if in the module admin product moderation is set NO then product will be approved automatically ) seller can edit or delete the added product and can manage by their end using under my product list .

    my product list – using this menu seller can manage their product like they can update their product , delete their product can track their product sales and can mange their stock . as per the screenshot


    My dashboard  – using seller dashboard seller can track his sales using interactive  chart , recent orders and recent comments with total sales matrix


    also seller can ask questions or doubt to admin directly from my dashboard


    marketplace seller order history – using this link seller can see their products order history in one shop . order history comes with pagination as per the screenshot


    thats all from seller front end using base marketplace module . more menu will appear in marketplace block as you will install more marketplace plugin.

     Marketplace feedback and rating system  – buyer can rate seller under their profile with star rate vote and feedback message , user need to be logged in to cast a review and rating


    as above screen you can see feedback link under seller profile


    also above screen , you can see user can put review about seller , these reviews will be moderated by admin of the store.


    Magento marketplace admin management  – after the successful setup of the marketplace module  admin will able to see new admin menu “marketplace management” as per the below screen


    As you can see there are four menus under marketplace management  , i am going to explain you every menu one by one

    Manage Products – This menu is responsible for seller product management if from marketplace configuration panel (system > configuration > webkul) product approval is required then in this case every product added by seller need to be approved by admin .Product approval will happen from manage product menu  as per the screenshot


    as you can see there is a prev button which will show the preview screen for product added by seller as per the image


    now we are heading to the next menu manage partners

    Manage Partners  – This menu is responsible for seller  management if from marketplace configuration panel (system > configuration > webkul) partner  approval is required then in this case every seller  need to be approved by admin .as per the image


    there is a action drop down menu by where admin can make pending customer to seller and visa versa

    also  as you can see a column order  when admin will click here it will display all the order of the that particular seller as per the screen


    also under view admin can view the complete order of that seller


    also mode of payment here is the payment details added by seller from my account > seller information . It can be anything lets sat bank account number or paypal id where seller need payment from admin . Now we are heading to the third menu

    manage commission  – Manage commission menu is responsible for all the commission management despite of global commission there is an individual seller commission by which admin can set different different commission for different different sellers .


    under this screen there are some terms need to explain so i am going to explain them one by one .

    Pay action – Pay action in grid will clear the payment for that particular seller lets say Seller S1 have a remaining amount 100 USD then after the pay button has been clicked thats mean seller have already send the payment now he / she is going to clear it (no actual payment with any payment gateway will happen here this link is for calculation only)

    under drop down the action is same as per grid but it can be applied for multiple seller .

    Commission This column is for per seller commission display .

    all these information can be seen under customer > manage customer


    as admin can all the sales matrix here and can set the per product commission %  . Now we are going to explain every tab one by one

    Payment mode – payment mode is payment detail entered by seller during account creation under my product > seller information , this payment details will be used by admin to pay the sellers .


    Add Product – this tab is very useful when admin need to assign any product to any particular seller , admin can set the product id of the product in to seller account .


    Want to remove Partner – using this tab admin can make that seller to a normal customer


    feedback management  – This menu is responsible for all the feedback and review management for that seller which will be added by customers , admin can

    • Approve
    • Unapprove
    • Delete

    those feedbacks .


    Thats all for the base marketplace module , still have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better


    . . .

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