Bagisto Live Stream Module allows the admin to integrate the live stream system for the promotion of products to the Webstore. The live stream can be a key factor if someone wants to launch a new product.
The admin can add several streams along with dates and times. These stream are visible to the customers in the front end along with the date and time.
As it is clear that marketing is one of the key factors in business so this module can be very crucial to boom a product as the customers can see the product and know about the product live.
Features of Bagisto Live Stream Module
- The admin can invite any number of influencers.
- Both guest and logged in customers can view the live stream
- The Logged-in customers can even message during the live stream.
- The admin can add products while creating the stream, these products will be displayed to the customers during the live stream.
- The customers can view upcoming streams, live streams, and previous streams.
- The influencer can download the stream.
How to install the module?
Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” folder into project root directory.
![laravel live video](
Goto config/app.php file and add following line under providers,
Goto composer.json file and add following line under psr-4,
"Webkul\\LiveStream\\": "packages/Webkul/LiveStream/src"
Then Goto config/concord.php file and add following line under modules,
Now delete the composer.lock file and run these below commands to complete the setup,
composer require predis/predis composer require pbmedia/laravel-ffmpeg npm install -g laravel-echo-server composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate php artisan route:cache
# for linux
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Webkul\\LiveStream\\Providers\\LiveStreamServiceProvider --force
# for windows
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Webkul\LiveStream\Providers\LiveStreamServiceProvider --force
Goto .env file and change BROADCAST_DRIVER and QUEUE_DRIVER to redis.
Copy laravel-echo-server.json to your project’s root path and set your all configs (like authHost, host, port, etc.) according to your own requirements.
Finally start laravel echo server and process queue,
laravel-echo-server start
php artisan queue:listen
Note: The store admin must have to install and configure the turn-stun server and the supervisor to set up the module.
Admin Configuration of the module
After the successful installation of the module, the admin can see the settings of live server by navigating to Configure>>Live stream.
![bagisto live stream](
Stun Server
URL:- The admin needs to enter the URL of the stun server.
By the toggle button the admin can active or inactive this stun server
Turn Server
URL:- The admin needs to enter the URL for the turn server.
User Name:- Enter the username for the turn server.
Credentials:- The admin needs to enter the credentials here.
By the toggle button, the admin can active or inactive this Turn server.
Stream Clip Duration
The admin can set the time duration after which the clip will be automatically saved. The time will be in seconds.
Once these configuration has been done, the admin need to navigate to the Live Stream option that is visible on the left side of the admin dashboard as shown in the image below:-
![live stream bagisto](
After clicking on the Livestream a page will open that will look like shown below:-
![live stream bagisto](
Under the influencers, the admin sees the influencers that have been created by the admin. To add a new influencer the admin needs to click on the invite influencer button.
Once clicking on the invite influencer button a popup will generate that will look like shown below:-
![live stream bagisto](
The admin needs to enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email of the new influencer and after that, the admin needs to click on the invite button.
Once clicking on the invite button a notification will generate that the influencer has been created as shown in the image below:-
![live stream bagisto](
Under the streams, the admin can see all the streams that have been created as shown in the image below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
To add a new stream the admin needs to click on the Add Stream button.
After clicking on the add stream button a page will generate that will look like shown below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
Here the admin need to enter all the details regarding the stream like Name, Description, Scheduled date, The admin can also select the influencer from the drop-down.
The admin can also select the thumbnail image and can even select the products, these products will be visible under the live stream.
After filling all these details the admin just need to click on the Save button.
How to start Live Streaming?
Now the the influencer need to login as a customer to see the live stream details.
Under the profile section that is below the live stream, the influencer can enter all the details as shown in the image below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
In the stream, the influencer can see all the streams that have been assigned to the influencer by the admin as shown in the image below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
By clicking on the edit button the influencer can edit the stream accordingly and by clicking on the eye button the influencer will be navigated to the page that will look like shown below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
To stat streaming the influencer just need to click on the Go Live button. The stream will be started and the influencer is now live with all as shown below:-
![laravel ive stream bagisto](
The influencer can also send the message to the viewers from the message box.
Front End
The customers can see all the upcoming streams and live streams on the website by clicking on the Live Stream Button that is visible on the header.
After clicking on the Live Stream button a page will generate that will look like shown below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
After Clicking on the live stream the customer can see the live stream that is currently going on as shown in the image below:-
![llaravel ive stream bagisto](
This module can be very benificial in case of launching a new product live, This can also be beneficial for ecommerce to increase the traffic in the site.
So, that was much about the User Guide of Bagisto Live Stream Module Laravel for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.
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