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Social Commerce for Shopify

Updated 30 December 2021

Social E-Commerce app for Shopify allows your users to create a social profile of their own, share their thoughts, follow/unfollow others, comment, post, like/unlike products and much more on your online store. As a store owner, you can choose to enable /disable the feature that you want to show or activate.
Now get connected with your customer socially on your online store by using Social E-Commerce for Shopify.


  • Customers create and manage their accounts.
  • Customers can like or unlike Products.
  • Admin can manage the users, view their profile and much more
  • Customers can view live feeds of each other.
  • Admin can enable/disable any user if required.
  • The customer can post status and follow each other.
  • Admin can monitor everything.
  • Cross-Browser Compatible.
  • Responsiveness.


On Landing Page, you will find the “install” button. Enter the shop URL where you want to install the Social E-Commerce app.



After the installation, you need to buy the monthly plan available for this app. Once the payment is done for the plan, the App will be listed in the Shopify Apps section.

Clicking on which you will be redirected to Social E-Commerce straight-away.



Configuration section of the Social E-Commerce app is divided into different sections, you can manage the general configuration, social configuration, you can edit the button labels from theme configuration and the color of the theme can be changed from design configuration. From the mail configuration section you can enable /disable the status of mail and also can edit the content and subject of emails.

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  • General Configuration
  • Social Configuration
  • Label Configuration
  • Design
  • Mail

General Configuration

This section of the app gets configured only by entering Domain name/Shopify shop URL, business email and by uploading the logo.


Social Configuration

The social configuration section is divided into two features:

  • Automatic Account Approval
  • Create a Social Profile for New Customers

Automatic Account Approval

Admin can enable/disable the automatic account approval customers or customers creating an account and social profiles. If it is enabled then customers won’t be requiring the approval of admin to enable the profile, otherwise in case of this feature is disabled then after creating the profile the customer will view the message on his profile page that “Your request is still pending from the admin side, soon you will have the notification for this. (Remind Admin)”, and clicking on remind admin a reminder mail from customer’s behalf will be sent to the admin to approve the profile.


Create a Social Profile for New Customers

Admin can enable/disable the automatic social profile creation for all the customers who sign up. In case it is enabled then the moment any new customer signs up, his/her social profile will be created automatically on the store and in case it is disabled then

The moment any new customer signs up, he/she will be popped up with a message flashing “Make your own profile” clicking on which he can create a social profile on the store.

Account – social ec

And clicking on Make my profile the customer will have to fill-up the form to create the profile.


Label Configuration

All the labels visible on the front end for the social profile can be edited by the admin from this section of the configuration. It is extremely easy: just enter your desired text in front of the default text for each label and then click on save to save those changes and it can also be reset to default by clicking on the reset button.



The color of the theme on the front end can be changed from this section of the configuration. It can also be set to default by clicking on the reset button.


Mail Configuration

As the name suggests, from mail configuration, a mail’s content and subject line can be edited which is sent on account activation and on account blocking to the customer. This mail can be enabled and disabled as well.


This is how this Social eCommerce app is configured.

Social Profile section

This section will display the list of all the customers, with customer id’s, name, number of followers and followings and status of customers. Admin can view details of customers and can also enable/disable any customers from the list and much more. The customers can be filtered on the basis of customer name, email id, customer id, number of followers, etc.

social eco

By clicking on view button admin can view the profile details of any particular customer, and view his profile and cover photo, also admin can monitor and delete the posts of the customer as well.

webkul blog

Configuring Store Frontend

You need to configure your theme to make this app work. Copy the below-given code and paste it to their respective files as specified. Follow the process to configure this app to get displayed on the front end:

  • Click on Online Store.
  • Go To Themes.
  • Click on Customize Theme button on the top right.
  • Select Edit HTML/CSS button from the Theme Option on Top Left.
  • Paste the codes given below in their respective files
  • Click on save.

For customers/account.liquid

<div id="wk_social_account" customer-id = "{{ }}"></div>

For product.liquid(snippets)

<div class="wk_se_like" data-id="{{}}"></div>

For product-loop.liquid(snippets)

<div class="wk_se_like" data-id="{{}}"></div>

Social Feed Page

To display the social feed as a menu option on the front end, you will have a create or add a menu from the navigation section at Shopify backend. Follow the below process:

Click on Online Store > Select Navigation > Click on Edit Menu > Add a menu with Name social feed or similar > Select PAGE named Social Feeds from link drop-down > Click on save.
And then a social feed tab will get displayed here, clicking on which user can view the list of customers having a social profile.


Clicking on the social feed section, any user can view the list of all the users without logging in.


Also, the customer can follow the existing users as well by clicking on the social feed section, but for that, the customer needs to be logged in with own account.


Customer Frontend

Once all the codes are pasted in the respective files from admin end, now when a customer will log in he would be able to create the social profile.
Customers will first have to create an account on an e-commerce store, after which they will be able to view the button of my profile (if the auto-approval of the profile is enabled and automatically create customer social profile is enabled by admin), clicking on which the customer will get redirected to his social profile page.
A customer’s profile page consists of Profile image, cover photo, status update tab, configure profile button, list of all the status update and recent activity and much more.



Now clicking on Configure My Account button, the customer will be redirected to the configuration page to set the configuration of his account in two parts, social configuration, and profile setting.

On social configuration, the customer can enable/disable to Follow Button on Public and Social Feeds Page, Show Followers on Public Page, Show Following on Public Page and much more. From social configuration, he can also view how his profile will look like in public by clicking on public view after setting the configuration.
Configuration – social ecommerce

From this section, the customer does all the profile settings. The customer can upload or change the profile picture and cover picture, update the name and email id, update the date of birth, can also update and link social profiles, can select the country as location and can write a brief introduction about oneself.

This was all about our amazing app called Social E-commerce.


For any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket at and for any doubt contact us at [email protected]

. . .

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