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    Magento 2 Multi Vendor MSI

    Updated 26 March 2024

    Magento 2 MSI Marketplace: With the advancement of e-commerce technological trends each day, every e-commerce site strives to offer its customers the best of services so as to keep the customers intact to the site.

    Owing to this, it is quite necessary that whenever a customer places an order, it reaches the customer as the earliest.

    MSI Marketplace Add-on for Magento 2 is one such extension that facilitates a speedy delivery of orders/ products to the customers and enhancive inventory management.

    The admin creates sources that are visible to the sellers. The sellers can select feasible sources from the list of sources created by the admin.

    The sellers have the leverage to allocate a specific quantity to the sources as well.

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    This way, as the customer places the order, the seller can deliver the order to the customer from the warehouse/ source which is near the customer’s location.

    This also facilitates the timely delivery of the order to the customer.

    Note –

    • This module is an add-on to Webkul’s Marketplace Module.
    • To use this module, you must install the Magento 2 Multi Vendor Module first.
    • This module supports Magento version 2.3.x and above.

    Check the plugin overview in the video mentioned below –



    • The MSI feature shall be enabled in the seller end once the admin creates multiple sources in the admin panel.
    • The MSI option is visible to the seller while creating a product, under which the seller can enter a quantity.
    • The seller can choose a source even while creating a shipment for the order.
    • The MSI initiates enhanced inventory management at the seller’s end.
    • MSI facilitates product delivery to the customers from the source/ warehouse which is nearest to the customer.


    Customers will get a zip folder. Then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has an src folder, inside the src folder you have the app folder.

    You need to transfer this app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below.INSTALLATION

    After the successful installation, you have to run these commands in the Magento 2 root directory.

    First command –

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

    Second Command –

    php bin/magento setup:di:compile

    Third Command –

    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

    After running the commands, you have to flush the cache from the Magento admin panel by navigating through->System->Cache management as shown below.INSTALLATION

    Language Translation

    For translating the module language, navigate through src/app/code/Webkul/MpMSI/i18n and edit the en_US.csv file.

    Thereafter, rename the CSV as “en_SA.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the Arabic language. After editing the CSV, save it.

    Then upload it to the path src/app/code/Webkul/MpMSI/i18n where the Magento 2 is installed on the server.

    The Magento 2 MSI Marketplace module gets translated into the Arabic Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.webkul-magento2-paytabs-sadad-payment-multilingual

    Creating Sources: Admin End

    After successfully installing the module, the admin can add a new source by navigating through Store > Inventory > Sources.

    The admin simply needs to click on the Add New Source button as shown in the image, to create a new source.

    Manage source Magento 2 MSI

    On clicking the ‘Add New Source‘ button, a New Source page shall open up.

    The admin will add the General details, Contact Info, the Address Data as shown in the image below.


    Once the admin saves the details, the source that the admin created (here, United States), is visible under the Source List as shown in the image below.


    Manage Sources: Admin End

    It is quite easy for the site admin to edit the details of the source that the admin creates.

    The admin simply needs to click on the Edit option under the Action column as shown in the image below.


    On clicking the Edit option, the Edit Source: United States page for the respective source shall open up where the admin can edit details as need be.


    Add New Stock

    The admin will have to assign stock to each of the sources which the admin creates.

    To create a new stock the admin will have to navigate through Store > Inventory > Stocks, where the admin will find the Add New Stock tab to create a new stock as shown in the image below.


    On simply clicking, the Add New Stock tab, the admin can configure the General details, Sales channels, and the Sources.

    The admin needs to click on the Assign Sources tab as shown in the image below.


    The Assign Sources page shall open up where the admin will have to select the Sources from the given source list, then click on the Done button.


    The sources which the admin selects will display under the Sources option, against Assigned Sources as shown in the image below.webkul-magento2-msi-marketplace-addon-assigned-sources

    On saving the details of the new stock, a success message shall display on top of the page as shown in the image below.

    Also, on creating new stock in Magento 2 MSI Marketplace, the main website must be chosen as shown in the image below.


    Assign Sources: Seller End

    On the seller end, the Assign Sources option shall be visible on the new product creation page.

    The seller will have to log in to the seller end and click on New Products as shown in the image below.


    The Assign Sources option shall be visible only once the admin adds the sources in the admin panel as shown in the image below.

    The seller needs to click on the Assign Sources tab so as to choose the sources and assign the stock.


    As the seller clicks on the Assign Sources tab it redirects the seller to the page where the sources are listed as shown in the image.


    The seller will have to select the sources from the given list and click on the Done. In this way, the seller will able to select the sources from the list.

    Source Item Status and Quantity Assignment

    Thereafter, in the New Products Creation page under Assign Sources, the sources which the seller selects shall be visible.

    Initially, the Source Item Status value is Out of Stock, which the seller will have to configure as In stock as shown in the image below.

    webkul-magento2-msi-marketplace-addon-item-status-in-stock-1As the seller sets the Source Item Status field as In Stock and assigns a specific Quantity to each source, the seller can save the product.

    A success message- “Your product has been successfully saved”, shall display as shown in the image below.


    Thereafter, the seller can add a product to cart and make a purchase in a usual manner.

    The seller’s needs to navigate through My Account > My Order History, to view the list of sources chosen by the seller.webkul-magento2-msi-marketplace-addon-select-sourcesThe list of sources shall be displayed under Order Information > Ship > Choose Source for quantity deduction.


    The seller can choose any of the sources such as the “United States” as in the above image.

    This initiates faster delivery of products/orders to the customer from a warehouse, which is nearest to the customer’s location.

    Product List View

    Once the sources and stocks are assigned to the products, the Quantity Per Source and Salable Quantity of the products will be visible in both Admin and Seller end.

    Admin Manage Seller’s Product List

    The admin can view the seller’s product list and check the source and stock details under the attributes itself. This will reduce efforts to view the product details.


    Seller Product List

    The attributes will be visible as shown in the image below. The seller can edit the Quantity per source and Salable quantity by clicking on the edit icon under the action tab.


    That’s all for the<strong> MSI Marketplace Add-on for Magento 2. If you still have any issues, feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views on our helpdesk system – Webkul Support System.

    Current Product Version - 5.0.2

    Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.3.x

    . . .

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